News and Announcements
8th Diplomacy and Peace Seminar will Take Place at TOBB ETÜ with the Participation of Japan Ambassador Akio Miyajima

IV. International Relations Student Congress is on 6 June at TOBB ETU Social Facilities!

Diplomacy And Peace Seminar Will Be Held On May 30 With The Participation Of Deputy Undersecretary Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay

Conference Entitled "Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States " will be held on 23 May at TOBB ETU Conference Hall!

Peacekeeping Database (TÜBAKOV) will be Inaugurated on May 3!

TOBB ETU Department of Political Science and International Relations Students Represented Turkey at the United Nations Global Action Festival Event

I. Political Science and International Relations Student Conference

“Russian Foreign Policy and Turkish-Russian Relations” Seminar by Russian Ambassador Aleksey Yerhov

ETÜ Model United Nations Conference to Be Held at TOBB ETÜ between November 11 and 14, 2017

GazeteETÜ Had a Conversation with Associate Prof. Dr. Serdar Palabıyık About His Journey of Life, the Armenian Deportation and the International Relations

Turkey - Ukraine Relations Panel to be Held in TOBB ETU with Ukrainian Ambassador's Contributions on May 26

A Panel Titled “A Review of and Expectations From African - Turkish Economic and Commercial Relationships” Is To Be Held at TOBB ETÜ, on 25 May 2017