Three terms in an academic year is only at TOBB ETU in Turkey. Time is precious, no time to lose!

Students of TOBB ETU graduate in four academic years with one-year of work experience. We name this experience Cooperative Education, gained by working in three different jobs until graduation. We provide three-term education as our education system is structured especially on Cooperative Education. Moreover, students of TOBB ETU graduate earlier than other universities’ students as they study two terms in their last academic year.


The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Lots of entrepreneurs have made their business ideas real when they are still at university. At TOBB ETU, you will find any support you need for your innovations. All students from all departments take the course of Leadership and Entrepreneurship at TOBB ETU. As part of this class, each student establishes a company. TOBB ETU provides a funding of up to 50,000 TL for the most successful business idea of the class.


Başarıyı aylık 15.800 TL'ye kadar ödüllendiriyoruz

TOBB ETÜ'de tam burslu öğrencilerimiz, öğrenim ücreti ödemiyor, konukevinde ücretsiz kalıyor ve başarılarıyla orantılı olarak yaşam katkı payı alıyor.


Guest House, Sports, Food, Transportation, Student Activities

TOBB ETU campus is in the center of Ankara. The campus has Olympic-size swimming pool, indoor sports center, cafes, restaurants and guest house.


We believe in Turkish education

The language of education at TOBB ETU is Turkish. In classes, our students communicate with the instructors in Turkish without the barrier of a foreign language. We use both English and Turkish resources for our students to help them get exposed to international sources, keep up with the times and learn terminology in English.


For those who want for more ...

We offer both dual-degree and minor degree for students. Our students who are accepted to the dual degree and minor degree programs at TOBB ETU are also awarded with a second diploma or a certificate after they meet the requirements.


Erasmus Makes Sense with Cooperative Education

During your studies at TOBB ETU, you may visit the contracted foreign institutions for your cooperative education or any other academic reasons. You may study a term at a university in Europe as part of the Erasmus program of European Union, and you may get job experience at a European institution through your cooperative education period.


The best ones always chose us!

Applicants who want to pursue an academic career after completing their undergraduate studies may achieve their goals with freelance research classes or by doing cooperative education in research groups of the university. In this way, they may start their academic career before graduation.

2024 - 2025
Tanıtım Rehberi