Tuition Fees and Scholarship Opportunities

Tuition Fees

Undergraduate Programmes 
Tuition16.500 USD
School of Medicine
Tuition23.100 USD
English & Turkish Preparatory School 
Tuition16.500 USD
Program Tuition
Undergraduate Programmes  16.500 USD
School of Medicine 23.100 USD
English & Turkish Preparatory School  16.500 USD



Scholarship Opportunities

Successful applicants will be considered for TOBB ETÜ Scholarships: Full Scholarship, %75 Scholarship, %50 Scholarship and %25 Scholarship. TOBB ETÜ may offer only tuition scholarships. Currently no dormitory or supplementary scholarships are offered to international students. Foreigners moving from other countries to Turkey will have priority if they apply to stay in TOBB ETÜ dormitories.

* Scholarship opportunities differ for School of Medicine.

Full Tuition Scholarship
Tuition (Except School of Medicine)0 USD
%75 Tuition Scholarship
Tuition (Except School of Medicine)4.125 USD
%50 Tuition Scholarship
Tuition (Except School of Medicine)8.250 USD
%25 Tuition Scholarship
Tuition (Except School of Medicine)12.375 USD
Scholarship Tuition (Except School of Medicine)
Full Tuition Scholarship 0 USD
%75 Tuition Scholarship 4.125 USD
%50 Tuition Scholarship 8.250 USD
%25 Tuition Scholarship 12.375 USD


Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel Fellowships

Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel (1941-2020) was a Saudi businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, renowned globally as a pioneer of the Islamic banking sector.
This fellowship program reflects Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel’s standing legacy in support of science, technological advancement, and its social impact through entrepreneurship.
Support: Tuition Fees

Criteria: Recipients of this fellowship must be:

• An incoming freshman undergraduate student at TOBB ETU
• This scholarship covers countries within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Selection Process: Applications go through a competitive selection process.
Recipients are determined by the Selection Committee based on:
• Demonstrated academic merit (National & International)
• Availability of funds
• International Student Regulations


Türkiye Scholarships 

Türkiye Scholarships is a scholarship program supported by the Turkish Government which provides financial support for international students in their intended program of study at selected Turkish universities.

Türkiye Scholarships offers support to students from all countries who wish to pursue undergraduate, master and Ph.D. programs at Turkish universities. It also supports academicians and post-doctoral researchers to collaborate with Turkish researchers.

Please check the Türkiye Scholarships website for detailed information.

Türkiye Scholarships Call Center: 0 850 455 0 982

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