Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any themed documentaries and music recordings in the library? How do I use a CD / DVD collection?

The covers of CDs / DVDs are located in the Audiovisual Department, while the inside of the CD / DVD stands behind the Reader Services Desk. You can borrow the materials to use it at your own environment as well as for short term at the library on your own computer. A headset is also provided in exchange for ID Card.

Can I make an extension through web page?

All borrowed items except hourly borrowed textbooks may be extended twice on the Internet for a period equivalent to the first borrowing period, provided that they are not expired and not separated by another person. The extension is done by signing the corresponding box (s) after logging in to the system and confirming the option "Extend selected duration". In order to extend the reserved textbooks, please call 0312 292 40 33 or send an e-mail to

Can I use the library after graduation?

Printed and electronic sources can be used in the library, if you want to borrow materials you can subscribe to the library by depositing a deposit.

How can I access articles, books and other electronic resources?

If a full text link is found under a bibliographic imprint in the search box on the library web page, you can access the full texts of the articles by clicking on this link. Articles with open access may not have full-text links. Scanning the full name of the article in quote at Google Scholar or Turkish Academic Archive for Turkish articles can be useful. For alternative open access portals, you can also use e-archive under our home page or visit our Open Access and External Resources page.

How can I put a borrowed item on hold?

For publications that are used by another reader, you can select the “Separation” option on the right menu of on the catalog information screen of the publication. This procedure can’t be applied to hourly borrowed reserved textbooks.

How can I track the materials that are newly added to library collection?

By clicking on the ”New Arrival Publications” button in the left side menu of the catalog, you can see the publications that have been put out to the rack in the last 15 days according to their location numbers. If you want to track new arrivals on a particular topic, you can change the sort preference to “Arrival Date: New to Old” after scanning. In this way, you can view the new arrivals listed above the existing records.

How can I use the group study rooms?

Z48, 149 and 154 rooms in our library can be used upon online reservation. In order to be able to use the reserved room, hand over the university ID card to the attendant and sign the form at the counter. You can use the room for 2 hours, if there is no other request, you can continue to use it until a new group arrives. Please request the air conditioning remote control when receiving the room key. After opening the door, return the key to the attendant and you can get your ID back when you leave the room. Regarding eating, drinking and speaking in these rooms, the general rules of the library are applied. You should speak at a reasonable volume and the room should be left as it was received. Although visually impaired students are top priority, GEBİM can also be used for group work if it is empty.

How do I create a Google Scholar profile account?

Google Scholar is an academic search engine provided by Google. You can download the guide on creating a Google Scholar profile and account management here.

How do I find library resources on a specific topic?

Enter your key research terms in the Integrated Search box on the library home page and click the Search button. You can narrow down or expand the content with the filtering feature on the left side of the results page after the search. Only sources with direct physical access such as books, journals and DVDs can be accessed directly in the catalog. Electronic resources which are not included in the integrated search system can be detected separately from the Databases page.

How do I find out what publications are registered to me and when are the return dates?

The materials registered to you will be listed with their return dates as soon as you log on to the catalog homepage. In the left menu, you can see other operation and listing options.

How do I find the old issues of print magazines?

The previous issues of last years’ magazines which are classified under the titles of Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Language and Literature, Law, Science-Engineering- Computing and Medicine on the angled shelves in the Periodicals Section are below the obliqued rack. The volumes of those who are required for education-research programs are in alphabetical order at the back of the Department. Materials in the Periodicals Section can only be used for copying in exchange for id card, they cannot be borrowed.

If the material I need doesn’t exist in the library, can I ask for it to be bought?

You can propose purchasing from the system by entering your user name and password from the catalog. Requests are considered according to the results of the evaluation made by the management if it is a general culture resource, if the requested resource is related to a certain subject, the evaluation is made by Head of the Departments.

In how many days should I get the resource I put on hold?

If you do not get the material within 3 days, it will be put aside. If you don’t want the resource anymore, you should cancel the request so that other people can use it.

Is electronic resources available outside the campus?

The users of the library with the corporate e-mail address of our university can use the webmail user name and password to log on to the proxy server from the Databases page and use the electronic resources in the databases that are suitable for presentation on the proxy server.

May I learn more about the history and the general situation of our library?

The library was opened in the 2004-05 academic year with a collection of 12 thousand books. It is located on two floors at the back of the main building on an area of 2000 square meters. The foyers in front of the library are used as a 24-hour reading area, additionally. As of the end of the 2022-2023 academic year, the printed collection, which consists of approximately 77 thousand 490 volumes of books and 7 thousand 335 volumes, reached 84 thousand in total. The collection is organized in accordance with the Library of Congress system, except for the Medical field where NLM is used. Access is provided to around 49 thousand electronic journals, some in archival collections, some current. There are 64 printed journal subscriptions for journals not available online. The 107 databases offered, contain around 400 thousand electronic books, and other information sources such as statistical and financial data, theses and reports, apart from the mentioned journals. Music CDs and movie DVDs are other items available in the library collection. In the GEBIM Center, printed resources can be converted into audio files or Braille printing for the visually impaired students. Theses and scientific outputs of the University are available through the Institutional Repository. The TOBB ETÜ e-books, some digitized resources, etc. are offered through the digital archive.

What are the library working hours?

Office Hours




Mid term              

08:30 - 23:30

08:30 - 23:30

10:00 - 23:30


09:00 - 17:45



What are the Reference Books? How can I use the Reference Collection?

Materials used to meet certain information needs such as encyclopedias and dictionaries etc. are called Reference Books. Reference books are not lent but in exchange for an ID card you can borrow it for a short term to make copies of it at the stationery. While sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries covering all subjects are included in the General Reference Collection, the themed materials are located at the head of the related sections.

What if I delay the return of the material I borrowed? Is punishment imposed?

For delayed borrowed materials, the delay fee is applied. The information on how much delay has been received for what type of material is available on the Utilization page. E-mail and SMS messages are sent to help. It is important for those who want to receive SMS messages to make sure that current mobile phone numbers are included in the library records. However, failure to receive messages does not eliminate the liability of delay fee. Users are obliged to return the borrowed materials in a timely manner and pay the price in case of delay.

What is my user name in the library system and how can I get my password?

In KOHA Library Automation System, username for students is their student numbers. For academic and adminstrative personnel, you can form the 8 digit username by putting a sufficient number of “0” is added between the registration number letter code section and the number section. Ex. If an administrative personnel’s registration number is X the username would be P000000X, if an academic personnel’s registration number is XX the username would be A00000XX. To form a password, you should add the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name before your usarname. Members of TOBB and its affiliates, graduates, academicians who are members of the university and other external members are required to learn their usernames from the library attendant. It is important that our members enter and change the passwords generated automatically at the first opportunity.

What is the maximum number the boks and other materials that I can borrow and for how long can I keep it?

The number and duration of each item that can be borrowed varies according to the user categories. For further information you can visit the Utilization section.

What type of resoruces can I find in different collections?

In the library, there are collections that can be used only inside the library such as References, Periodicals, Rare Books, Theses, TOBB Publications Archive and the ones that can be borrowed such as General Resources, Medical Resources, CD / DVD collections.