The Institute Administrative Staff

We, at TOBB-ETÜ Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, aim at educating new generation researchers, who are capable of making the breakthrough that our country desires to make in science and technology in the global arena.   The approach we adopt to that end is to primarily establish our research programs on fairly sound theoretical foundations and to subsequently develop experimenter and testing programs that are based on such strong theoretical foundation at the laboratories in our Technology Center.   It is our objective to ensure that our students gain and have a mental attitude, which will allow them to accomplish the unaccomplished rather than to refer to the accomplished and to improve it.   We encourage the new generation researchers, being the prospective graduates of TOBB-ETÜ Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, both to become pioneers in their respective fields of research and to be scholars with a rationalist, challenging and critical mentality as well as high morales devoted to the future of their society.  

Erdem Acar, Prof.

Erdem Acar, Prof.

Aktan Acar, Assoc. Prof.

Aktan Acar, Assoc. Prof.

Murat Kadri Aktaş, Prof.

Murat Kadri Aktaş, Prof.

Head of Department
Murat Alanyalı, Prof.

Murat Alanyalı, Prof.

Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Vice Rector
Zarife Göknur Büke, Prof.

Zarife Göknur Büke, Prof.

Advisor to the Rector
Tayyibe Nur Çağlar, Prof.

Tayyibe Nur Çağlar, Prof.

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design
Oğuz Ergin, Prof.

Oğuz Ergin, Prof.

Osman Eroğul, Prof.

Osman Eroğul, Prof.

Dean of the Grad. School of Science and Engineering,Head of Department
Recep  Görgülüarslan, Assoc. Prof.

Recep Görgülüarslan, Assoc. Prof.

Tahir Hanalioğlu, Prof.

Tahir Hanalioğlu, Prof.

Coşku Kasnakoğlu, Prof.

Coşku Kasnakoğlu, Prof.

Arda Bülben Yazıcı, Asst. Prof.

Arda Bülben Yazıcı, Asst. Prof.

Eda Yücel, Assoc. Prof.

Eda Yücel, Assoc. Prof.