About the Department
TOBB ETÜ Artificial Intelligence Engineering has been a pioneer in this field as one of the first two Artificial Intelligence Engineering departments established in Turkiye. Based on university entrance exam preferences, it currently ranks first in Turkey among scholarship programs.
The primary reason for establishing the Artificial Intelligence Engineering department is the increasing demand for expertise in artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning worldwide and in our country, as well as the shortage of trained professionals in this field. Many students from Computer Engineering and other engineering disciplines show great interest in this area, and there is a strong demand from the industry for AI education. Most of these students prefer to focus their graduate studies on Artificial Intelligence. However, current conditions, especially the high demand from companies, have revealed the need for specialists with undergraduate-level education in artificial intelligence and data science. The defense industry, finance sector, and industrial companies, in particular, seek to employ data scientists and artificial intelligence engineers within their organizations. As TOBB ETÜ Artificial Intelligence Engineering, our goal is to train engineers who will meet this demand from the industry and position our country at the highest level in one of the most strategic fields of the 21st century—Artificial Intelligence.
The department's curriculum includes all software courses from Computer Engineering, as well as essential topics for Data Science such as Statistics, Probability, and Linear Algebra, covering them at an advanced level. In addition, it includes courses crucial for Data Analysis and Optimization, such as Operations Research, along with fundamental AI-related subjects like Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and Deep Learning. Furthermore, anticipating that human-machine interaction will reach much more advanced levels in the future, we have incorporated courses such as Finance, Psychology, and Critical Thinking, integrating ethical and philosophical aspects into our curriculum. Besides these mandatory courses, students in the department can take technical elective courses in Finance and Artificial Intelligence to specialize in their desired application areas. We also plan to introduce elective courses related to topics such as Bioinformatics and Smart Cities in the future.
A graduate of the Artificial Intelligence Engineering department can work as either a Software Engineer or a Data Scientist/Artificial Intelligence Engineer.