Burcu Yılmaz, a Student of the Material Science and Nanotechnology Engineering Department is Having Her Cooperative Education at Korea
Our students continue to get opportunities to work within the framework of Cooperative Education at leading research centers and firms worldwide.
Burcu Yılmaz, a student of the Material Science and Nanotechnology Engineering Department is having her Cooperative Education at MONA LAB (http://alicoskun.kaist.ac.kr/) one of the research laboratories at the “Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology” (KAIST) in South Korea. Working as part of Prof. Ali Coşkun’s research group, our student works alongside master’s and Ph.D. students on a number of topics including carbon nanomaterials and organic chemistry.
Burcu had previously served as an undergraduate research student with TOBB ETÜ Nanomaterials Group as part of her studies for a bachelor’s degree, and had her graduation project in the field of graphene oxide synthesis.