Senior Design Projects of Summer 2020-2021
In the Summer 2020-21 ELE 495 Senior Design Project students are requested to develop a Pulse Oximeter. This device had requirements such as measuring the pulse and SpO2 level within +-1 accuracy with respect to an off-the-shelf oximeter, giving an alarm when normal range of values is violated, communicating the measured values to a smartphone and ergonomic packaging. Among the pairs of students that took the course, outstanding ones are awarded a certificate by the course instructor Dr. Zeki Kocabıyıkoğlu, course assistant Osman Zeki Yılmaz and department chair Tolga Girici.
Students Ahmet Canberk Sonğur, Ahmet Oğuz Sakın, Beyza Akçay, Aybüke Gökmen, Gülen Özlük , Batuhan Kutlar, Atahan Yılmaz and Ahmet Uslu developed oximeters that can compete with commercial devices.
We congratulate our students and wis them continued success.