Prof. Dr. Tahir Hanalioğlu gave a talk on Kolmogorov and his contributions on the probability theory
Chair of the Industrial Engineering Department of TOBB ETÜ, Prof. Dr. Tahir HANALİOĞLU gave a seminar at the Middle East Technical University (METU) on March 28, 2017 on Kolmogorov and his contributions on the probability theory. The seminar took place at the Institute of Applied Mathematics of METU and orginized by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics).
In this seminar, Prof. Hanalioğlu talked about the life story and scientific works of Kolmogorov, who is one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. The seminar attracted a great attention from the audience including METU SIAM members, faculty members from METU and several other universities and graduate students.