Modular Education System Allows Specialization Even During Undergraduate Studies
Today, in contrast to more conventional approaches, law education is designed to facilitate specialization. The “Modular System”, a first of its kind in Turkey, allows students to specialize in their areas of interest. Having received the foundations of law, the students are offered the choice to choose between Public Law, Economics Law, and International Law modules, as groups of electives, from the third year on. Thanks to this system, our students get the opportunity to acquire deeper and applied knowledge in one of these fields, paving the way for specialization even during undergraduate studies.
The elective courses at the Faculty of Law are designed to enable students’ specialization in accordance with their areas of interest. Having received the pillars on fundamental topics, the students are then offered groups of electives as packages to enable their specialization in their areas of interest, from the third year on. The electives are offered under three groups: international law, economics law, and public law. The list of elective courses on offer with reference to specific topics may vary from time to time.
The students are required to select just one such module. Once selected, transfers between specialization fields are not allowed.
To graduate from the Faculty of Law, the students should take and pass eight electives on offer in the selected module, as well as another elective on offer university-wide.
The electives shall be offered in accordance with the demand voiced by the students. For a course to be opened, at least five students should register for it. The students who registered for an elective which did not get to be opened due to lack of interest will be allowed to elect other courses which may still be opened.
The elective courses are worth at least 2 credits. The students can choose an elective with a higher credit count as well.