Highlights from 2021-22 Fall Coop Experiences in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Highlights from 2021-22 Fall Coop Experiences in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
43 students from Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department completed their Coop term in leading companies of the sector. Roketsan, Arçelik, Siemens, UPC and Havelsan Inc. were the most popular coop companies in the Fall term, and our students had chance to work in 24 different companies/institutions in total. We would like to share with you highlights from this fruitful season.
Ahmet Canberk Sonğur, Ahmet Oğuz Sakın, Beyza Akçay – Polytechnic University of Catalunya, CommSens Lab:
With Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Ünlü’s initiative, Canberk , Oğuz and Beyza completed their Coops athe Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Commsens Lab. They studied under the guidance of Prof. Luis Jofre Roca, a leading researcher in his area. During the internship they did several designs such as inductive impedance antenna, dielectric resonator antenna, dielectric hemispherical lense, couplers for the 193 GHz, 300 GHz and 1 THz bands and mmWave integrated systems. They had chance to communicate with people of different languages and cultures and work in a multidisciplinary environment.
Şekil 1: Ahmet Canberk Sonğur
Şekil 2: Ahmet Oğuz Sakın
Şekil 3: Beyza Akçay
Tuğçe Bayındır – Roketsan Inc.:
In the Fall semester , Roketsan took the most interns from our department. Tuğçe was one of them. In her Coop Tuğçe designed motor driver card under various constraints. She learned and used LTSpice, Saturn PCB and Altium Designer tools. She acquired knowledne on MIL-STD standards. She had the chance to reinforce her theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
Şekil 4: Tuğçe Bayındır
Hale Begüm Yıldız – ULAK A.Ş.:
Hale did her Internship at the ULAK Communications Inc, software engineering department. She participated in the V2X project that was just starting at the time. She took Python lessons for some time, which was followed by Deep Learning courses. Then she applied some artificial intelligence technique on the project. She also had the chance to learn and use Open VINO and Google Protobuf. After the internship Hale stayed in the company as a part-time employee. Hale says that she enjoyed the Coop process and gained lots of things.
Şekil 5: Hale Begüm Yıldız