TOBB ETÜ's Alumni Association Organized the SPORTS WEEKEND Event
The SPORTS WEEKEND event, which was organized by the Alumni Association of TOBB ETÜ at the yard of TOBB ETÜ's Student Guesthouse on September 17, 2017, attracted a great deal of attention from the graduates, students and faculty members of TOBB ETÜ. During the event, which started at 10:00 am and continued until the afternoon; the graduates, students and faculty members of TOBB ETÜ had the opportunity to do their Sunday workout together. The event started with pilates, yoga and crossfit activities. During the breaks, detox juice and coffee were served in the accompaniment of the music broadcast by Radio ETÜ. The event, which enabled to graduates, students and faculty members of TOBB ETÜ to spend their Sunday with physical activity, ended with the game tournaments.
News Story and Photo Credit: Şule Demir – Department of Psychology