Community Interviews: Science Fiction and FRP Community
Could you please provide some brief information about your community?
The Science Fiction and FRP Community is a sub-cultural community that has been active at our University since the Academic Year 2015-2016. Any work of science-fiction and any work that features a fantastic universe is within our field of interest. Also; playing FRP (fantasy role-playing) games, informing the rest of the student population about those games, welcome those, who might be interested, to our community and to play them and have fun all together are amongst the objectives of the community.
Could you please tell us about your activities?
We organize two events in turns throughout the year. While we watch a selected science-fiction film or a film that features a fantastic universe in the amphitheater in one week, we play FRP and various board games in the following week. In addition to the above; we also occasionally organize such events as playing Lasertag or going to the movie theater to watch a movie collectively depending on the requests from the members. Our major event is, undoubtedly, CONETÜ, which is held once every year. The event addresses to the FRP fans from all over Turkey as well as those, who are looking for fun. Featuring various delightful activities and costume contests, the event brings the campus a festival spirit every year.
How many members actively take part in the community activities? From what departments are your members? Could you please tell us about member profile of your community?
We have around 30 members. Our community, which is exclusive to any specific idea or career group, can have members from every department. For instance; while our member population was dominated by students from various departments of engineering last year, it is dominated by members from departments of architecture this year. Our community is comprised of members, who like having fun and making jokes, act as an established family rather than just a club, and who celebrate the SFFC spirit.
What would you like to say to address your prospect members? Are there any prerequisites to join the community?
Dear new-comers, the only requirement to join our club is for you to want it. If you are interested in our fields of interest and think you would have a good time during our activities; you are always welcome. Join us, and let us have fun together. That is what is community is all about.
What are your goals for the community? What kind of activities do you intend to carry out?
Our main goal is to create a setting, in which people have fun and let off their steam and relax, drifting away from the busy schedule of daily life. Any activity, which is requested by our members and is not already organized by another community, is an activity that we would like to organize. However; our main event is CONETÜ as mentioned above.
How do the community activities affect your undergraduate education or career goals?
Our community does not directly contribute to career building or education. However, it enables people to relax and so makes things easier for them. With the artistic films that we watch, the thought-provoking activities that we organize and the imagination-stimulating games that we play; our community offers a major self-improvement opportunity even if not in academic sense.