Nart Bedin Atalay, Assoc. Prof.
Mustafa Bal, Asst. Prof.
İsa Kerem Bayırlı, Assoc. Prof.
Gözde İkizer, Assoc. Prof.
Head of Department, Director of PUAM
Tuba Işınsu İsen Durmuş, Prof.
Didem Kayalı, Asst. Prof.
Assistant Dean
Çiğdem Kırca, Prof.
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Hakan Övünç Ongur, Prof.
Vice President of the Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences
Yavuz Özgüldür, Asst. Prof.
Head of Department
Serdar Sayan, Prof.
Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences
Gülriz Şen, Asst. Prof.
Berna Tarı Kasnakoğlu, Prof.
Ekin Tokat, Assoc. Prof.
Head of Department
Hakkı Arda Tokat, Asst. Prof.
Meryem Yalçın, Assoc. Prof.
Head of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department
Haldun Yalçınkaya, Prof.
Head of Department
A. Talha Yalta, Prof.
Head of Department