Peacekeeping Database (TÜBAKOV) will be Inaugurated on May 3!
Peacekeeping Database (TÜBAKOV) ( an initiative prepared by a project team led by TOBB ETU Department of Political Science and International Relations Professor Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya) will be open to access on May 3rd. The opening will be hosted by the International Relations Council (UIK) and database will be available at
TÜBAKOV is the first web-based data set that allows the examination of the missions and peacekeeping operations conducted by Turkey. It is the first project in this field in Turkey. TÜBAKOV is intended primarily as a resource for making the quantitative analysis. Its aim is to provide quantitative and qualitative information to researchers who want to carry out more detailed and multidimensional studies on these operations. The data collected has been transformed into a data set by using the data sets and standards of universally accepted datasets.
TÜBAKOV is a bilingual (Turkish—English) database which aims to benefit;
-Academics who are interested in Turkey's foreign policy / Turkey's participation and contribution to peacekeeping missions and operations
-Civil and military authorities involved in decision-making processes
-Members of the press who need information and data on the subject
- Civil society organizations
- Employees of international institutions and organizations
-Students and all researchers.
TÜBAKOV, was developed within the framework of "Turkey's Participation in Peace Determination of Protection Activities and Trends" research project which is supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under ARDEB 3001 program with the project number 114K985.
Project Team
Haldun YALÇINKAYA - TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Emre HATİPOĞLU - Sabancı University
Arıkan AÇAR – Yasar University
Prof. Dr. Mitat ÇELİKPALA - Kadir Has University