Business Book Summaries, Literary Reference Center™ Plus, World Politics Review on Access Until the End of 2020!
Business Book Summaries help researchers keep current with the latest business thinking and develop key business skills. BBS includes thousands of concise, actionable summaries of books from top authors and publishers. Summaries are available in text and audio and new summaries are published daily.
Literary Reference Center™ Plus is the definitive literary database covering various periods and literary disciplines. It includes 690+ full-text literary journals, more than 1 million book reviews, 86,000+ articles on literary criticism, approximately 250,000 author biographies, 8,000+ classic novels, 160.00+ poems, and 2,800+ full-text reference books.
Click for the list of titles and e-book.
World Politics Review is a daily online publication and resource for international relations, world politics and geopolitics. It contains approximately 9,000 articles that provide access to detailed analysis of global developments, in which media sources are not in-depth.