Art & Architecture Source, EBSCO eBooks Clinical Collection ve Hiperkitap Databases on Trial Access!
Art & Architecture Source, EBSCO eBooks Clinical Collection ve Hiperkitap databases will be on trial access until 31.07.2020.
Art & Architecture Source is a comprehensive full-text art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. With strong international coverage, it offers more than 770 full-text art journals --of which 480 are refereed--, plus detailed indexing and abstracts, 220 books, and 63.000 images. It dates back to 1914.
EBSCO eBooks Clinical Collection covers more than 3,900 essential e-books from the medical and general health fields, and provides access to books from over 130 publishers such as Wiley, Clinical Publishing Oxford, Springer Publishing, Demos Medical Publishing, Thieme Medical Publishers, American Medical Association and World Scientific Publishing.
Hiperkitap contains 20,000+ Turkish e-books from some 350 publishers. The multidisciplinary collection covers a wide range of subjects; such as mathematics, economics, history, law, literature, management, medical and health sciences, engineering, political sciences, etc. it also contains reference resources such as atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias and offers various features such as annotating a book, creating an automatic bibliography and creating a personal e-library.