12.5th National Meeting of Interior Design Students (UIOB)
TOBB ETÜ, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Interior Design and Environment Design met at Beykent University for the 12.5th National Meeting of Interior Design Students (UIOB)!
Having been held for the first time in 2010, at İzmir Economics University, the National Meeting of Interior Design Students is an organization that achieved continuity through a biannual schedule. The purpose of the program is to bring interior design students from Turkish universities each of which focus on a different aspect of the discipline, and to enable exchange of knowledge. The completely student-centered program implemented with the support of a number of household names from the business world enables the students to voice their problems, and engage in close communications with people who have substantial professional experience.
This year saw the 12th National Meeting of Interior Design Students (UIOB) held at Beykent University’s Maslak campus, on Saturday, 6 May, 2017. Originally slated to take place at Istanbul Gelişim University, the event was canceled due to the State of Emergency. In response, Beykent University, which was supposed to host the thirteenth meeting, step forward, and organized the workshops under the theme ‘Design a World’, and called it the 12.5th meeting.
The event began with opening speeches by Turkish and foreign teaching staff, and continued with various workshops. The workshops led by academic staff and professionals from the sector, each of which have specialized in a distinct field, are intended to help students learn while having fun. 12 TOBB ETÜ Interior Design and Environment Design students who took part in the event (Başak LALE, Berk KORKMAZER, Çağatay YILDIRIM, Delal Mizgin AZİZOĞLU, Elif BİLGİN, İpek AKSEL, Irem KESKİNER, Mehtap KARSAK, Murat Can ÇETİN, Semaye EFE, Şeyma KURTULUŞ, Ümmühan Azade GÜLMEZ) attended seven of the workshops (From Subconscious to Image/Tugay Doğrayıcı, Italian Winds in Paint/Mehmet Hakan, Art on the Canvas/Şeyhmus Kino, From Sketches to Installable Forms/İrem Burcu Ummansu, Dreams Made of Clay/Tarık Ceddi, Woody Area/Wood Decor, Foam Press/Fulden Bozkurt).
The event was concluded with the nomination of Özyeğin University to host the 13th National Meeting of Interior Design Students, expected to take place in November-December 2017.
Şeyma Kurtuluş
Student Representative for TOBB ETÜ Interior Design and Environment Design Department