Our Student Berfin Kandemir Attended the Model Arab League Conference in Cairo
9 YEAR(S) AGOBerfin Kandemir, a second year student in our department, attended the Model Arab League Conference held in Cairo this year. Our student was selected as “Best Delegation” at the event held at the American University of Cairo. ”I had one of the best experiences of my life. The eight days I spent in Cairo changed my perspective on the world and the Middle East. I spent a whole day at the event where I had the chance to visit a wide area from the Pyramids to the Nile River, from the streets of Egypt to the museums, mosques to synagogues, even to the Red Sea. Meeting students from the US Drake University and my Egyptian friends at the American University in Cairo showed me how much we can share in common, even if we were born and raised on different continents. In such a short period of time, I've made friendships with friends and memories that will remain with me. I worked at the Model Arab League conference on the Cyber Security and Media Security Council as a representative of the Sultanate of Oman, a topic that has recently gained a prominent place in the discipline. Taking part in such a great conference, attending sessions and representing a real country and its interests as a diplomatic representative; as student of the Department of International Relations, who specializes in international law and wants to work in an international organization, has brought me an experience that I would have no chance to gain elsewhere. I would like to thank my university for this contribution and all the contributions and support to our academicians, department head, Dean and our Rector. We would like to congratulate our student as the Department of International Relations at TOBB University of Economics and Technology.