TOBB ETÜ Economics Research Project Receives Support from TÜBİTAK 1001 Program!
The project titled “The Impact of the EYT Regulation on Labor Markets in Terms of Gender Differences,” led by Asst. Prof. Güneş Arkadaş Aşık Erpek, Faculty Member at the TOBB ETÜ Department of Economics, has been awarded funding under TÜBİTAK’s “1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program” for the second term of 2024. The project team includes Asst. Prof. Güneş Arkadaş Aşık Erpek as the principal investigator and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ünay Tamgaç Tezcan, a faculty member at TOBB ETÜ Department of Economics, as a researcher.
The approved project aims to comprehensively evaluate the impact of the current “Early Retirement for Those Affected by Age” (EYT) regulation on labor markets, specifically in terms of gender differences. The study will examine both the qualitative and quantitative effects of EYT on labor force supply, informal employment, and sectoral skill needs. The project will analyze how the EYT regulation affects the labor force participation rates of men and women, the effects of early retirement arrangements on sectoral labor force transformation, and youth unemployment rates, contributing to the literature in this field.