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Karger Fast Facts Collection on Trial Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/karger-fast-facts-collection-on-trial-accessKarger Fast Facts Collection will be on trial access until the end of October 2020. Fast Facts Collection covers 99 different e-books, divided by clinical case, that can be easily used by physicians for bedside care. www.karger.com/Collections/FastFacts

Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, Bloomsbury Architecture Library, Bloomsbury Design Library Databases are Open to Trial Access for 2 Months!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/bloomsbury-applied-visual-arts-bloomsbury-architecture-library-bloomsbury-design-library-databases-are-open-to-trial-access-for-2-monthsBloomsbury Applied Visual Arts Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts combines visual inspiration with practical advice on everything from idea generation and research techniques to portfolio development – making this the ultimate guide to a visual arts education. The database covers more than 170 highly illustrated books, providing structured and accessible coverage across the main visual arts disciplines to support a wide range of practice-led co

Corona und Covid-19 Module Added to Our Beck Online Package!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/corona-und-covid-19-module-added-to-our-beck-online-packageC.H Beck Verlag offers the "Corona und Covid-19" module, which contains legal issues about Covid-19, to Beck Online subscribers for free access until 31 August. This module provides an overview of COVID-19 related standards and jurisprudence, as well as helpful technical articles, brochures and comments, and will be continuously updated. Beck Online Corona und Covid-19 Module

Springer Nature Textbooks on Trial Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/springer-nature-textbooks-on-trial-accessSpringer Nature Textbooks will be on trial access until the end of July 2020. Collection covers more than 500 textbooks across all disciplines. Click here for the list of textbooks. Springer Nature Textbooks

ProQuestResearch Companion is Open to all Students and Educators Until June 30!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/proquestresearch-companion-is-open-to-all-students-and-educators-until-june-30'ProQuest Research Companion is an information literacy product. It was built to help students do more effective scholarly research and to support educators as they teach the core information literacy principles of finding, evaluating, and using information. More than 100 videos are organized into nine Learning Modules that answer questions like "How do I choose a topic?" "Where do I find information?" and "How do I evaluate sources?" Different k