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Elsevier 3D4Medical's Complete Anatomy on Trial Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/elsevier-3d4medical-s-complete-anatomy-on-trial-accessElsevier 3D4Medical's Complete Anatomy will be on trial access until 30.04.2020. Elsevier 3D4Medical’s Complete Anatomy includes 17,000+ different building content, 1500+ videos and 100+ lessons. Using the tools in Complete Anatomy, you can dissect and simulate various situations without having to be in a lab environment. You can share your work in Complete Anatomy by creating groups and access the content from different devices you use. Yo

IGI Global InfoSci-Journals and InfoSci-Books Freely Available Until Mid-June!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/igi-global-infosci-journals-and-infosci-books-freely-available-until-mid-june'IGI Global will be freely available until 16.06.2020. IGI Global disseminates vetted, quality content within 11 core subject areas, including business, computer science, education, science and engineering, social sciences and humanities, and more. IGI Global covers 24,000+ articles (InfoSci Journals) in 185+ full-text academic journals, and 5,300+ e-books (InfoSci-Books). IGI Global Journal and Books

Art & Architecture Source, EBSCO eBooks Clinical Collection ve Hiperkitap Databases on Trial Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/art-architecture-source-ebsco-ebooks-clinical-collection-ve-hiperkitap-databases-on-trial-accessArt & Architecture Source, EBSCO eBooks Clinical Collection ve Hiperkitap databases will be on trial access until 31.07.2020. Art & Architecture Source is a comprehensive full-text art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. With strong international coverage, it offers more than 770 full-text art journals --of which 480 are refereed--, plus detailed indexing and ab