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We are in deep sorrow of losing Ceren Damar Senel ...
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/we-are-in-deep-sorrow-of-losing-ceren-damar-senelWe have lost Ceren Damar Şenel, Research Assistant of Çankaya University Faculty of Law as a result of a vicious attack. We wish God's mercy and offer our condolences and wish patience to his family, colleagues and all his lovers. As TOBB ETÜ Department of Political Science and International Relations we share their pain, and hope that the violence that surrounds our social life to end soon.

Legal Yayıncılık Database on Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/legal-yayincilik-database-on-accessThe Legal Online Library offers acces to 600+ journals, 300+ book, 3000+ articles. The Legalbank offers access to the Judicial and Council of State decisions and other legislation. Legal Online Library Legalbank

Jurix Database on Access!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/jurix-database-on-accessJurix covers law journals, feschriftes, conference papers published in Turkey. Click here for more information and list of journals. Jurix Database

Department of Political Science and International Relations Career Day is on 6 February!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/department-of-political-science-and-international-relations-career-day-is-on-6-februaryTOBB ETU Political Science and International Relations Department brings together students with graduates from different sectors! The graduates of TOBB ETU Political Science and International Relations Department who work in different institutions and organizations in public and private sectors will shed light on current students’ career plans by sharing their experiences with them. We expect all our students to attend Career Day which will

The 11th Diplomacy and Peace Seminar will take place on 13 Februry with the participation of German Ambassador Martin Erdmann!
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/the-11th-diplomacy-and-peace-seminar-will-take-place-on-13-februry-with-the-participation-of-german-ambassador-martin-erdmannTOBB ETÜ Department of Political Science and International Relations welcomes Martin Erdmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the new program of "Diplomacy and Peace" seminars. We look forward to welcome everyone to the seminar titled “A World in Disarray: What can be Done to Fix It? A German View!” on February 13, 2019 at 15:30, TOBB ETU Conference Center Hall 3. Date: February 13, 2019 Time: 15:30 Venue: TOBB E