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About Changes In The Library Management System
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/about-changes-in-the-library-management-systemDear TOBB ETÜ Family, The library management system is to undergo a revision, with the installation procedures to commence in the morning of 30 December, 2016. In this context, the system operating at the address milas.etu.edu.tr will be closed, and for a short period book loan extension and reservation requests will be submitted to the library via e-mail . Library catalog queries can be run by selecting our university in the detailed search

New Databases Made Available
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/new-databases-made-availableFull-text popular magazines on a number of topics, 850 referance books and MasterFILE Complete containing approximately 1.4 million images, and more than 1200 newspapers including The Times (UK), The Washington Post etc., 130 news agencies including AP (Associated Press), UPI (United Press International) and Xinhua (China) etc., news items from ABC News, ABC News (American), CNN International and FOX News etc. media entities, and Newspaper Source

The Option to Have Higher Education in France with CampusFrance
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/the-option-to-have-higher-education-in-france-with-campusfranceCampusFrance is to visit TOBB ETÜ to talk about the process and the procedure, to our students interested in a higher education in France. Date / Time: Monday, 6 February, 2017 - 14:00-16:00 Location: 3rd Floor Meeting Hall What is CampusFrance Turkey? CampusFrance is a service by the Embassy of France. It is a part of the Embassy’s Cooperation and Cultural Activities Unit, within the framework of the French Culture Center in Turkey. T

Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) Reference Management Tool Is Now Available For Use
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/mendeley-institutional-edition-mie-reference-management-tool-is-now-available-for-useMendeley is a reference management system which could help increase the productivity of researchers, and is based on an academic cooperation network with more than 4.5 million users worldwide. Mendeley is a reference management system which could help increase the productivity of researchers, and is based on an academic cooperation network with more than 4.5 million users worldwide. To download Mendeley Desktop software and to register as a membe