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Lexpera and Hiperkitap Databases Available For Trial Use
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/lexpera-and-hiperkitap-databases-available-for-trial-useLEXPERA developed through international cooperation serves as a basic source of reference in legal studies, thanks to an ever growing collection of literature including full-text books, articles and commentaries, as well as a comprehensive set of legal precedents, not to mention a few exciting features regarding regulations, is now available for trial access till the end of January. For LEXPERA video click: http://www.lexpera.com.tr/Services/Cont

All Our Students Are Welcome To an Information Meeting on Erasmus Mundus Programs to be Held on November 30
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/all-our-students-are-welcome-to-an-information-meeting-on-erasmus-mundus-programs-to-be-held-on-november-30The European Union invites students from all around Europe to studying abroad and getting two degrees, with the Erasmus Mundus Program. Graduate degrees in a number of fields extending from medical sciences to engineering, education to social sciences are on offer for the students. You are invited to this activity to get a unique master’s degree and career in various countries of Europe.

TOBB ETÜ Continuous Training Center and e-kampüs.com signed a Remote Education Online Certificate Program Protocol
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/tobb-etu-continuous-training-center-and-e-kampus-com-signed-a-remote-education-online-certificate-program-protocolA cooperation protocol is signed by and between the Continuous Training Center TOBB ETÜ and e-kampüs.com for the offering of (remote education) online certificate programs. The certificate programs to be offered in this framework will be open to applications by participants from anywhere in Turkey. Online trainings for professional domains such as Project Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Quality Management Systems, and Financ