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Kıvanç Kitapcı Assoc. Prof. Associate Professor
Çiğdem Avcı Asst. Prof.
Ali Yakıcı Prof.

Çiğdem Güngör Prof.
ClinicalKey is Now Available On a Trial Basis
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/clinicalkey-is-now-available-on-a-trial-basisElsevier's medical portfolio covering works in more than 35 sub-fields of medicine and surgery, including but not limited to leading sources of reference such as Gray’s Anatomy, Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, Braunwald’s Heart Disease, and Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, along with more than 1100 medical and surgery books on current topics, around 600 Elsevier journals from The Lancet to Journal of the American College of Ca

“Legal Yayıncılık Kitap ve Dergileri” Database Available For Trial
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/legal-yayincilik-kitap-ve-dergileri-database-available-for-trialLegal Yayıncılık now offers all its publications, including 270 books and 11 journals, online. The journals are on offer along with their archives covering a time frame dating back to 2003. Book and journal packages are made available on a trial basis for three weeks, till the 13th of March. The access is granted through the “Online Library” section on the top right corner of the publisher’s home page. The judicial and Counci

China STM Focus Available on Trial
https://www.etu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/china-stm-focus-available-on-trialChina STM Focus offers access to full-text of more than 600,000 articles and papers published in 198 academic e-journals, 2317 international conference proceedings books published in China, covering a number of fields including basic sciences, engineering and technology, medicine, political science, economics, law, history, and literature. The database will be available for access till 2 March, 2016.