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Visual Communication Design - Minor and Double Major University of Economics and Technology Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Department of Visual Communication Design Minor Education – Training Program 1st Year // 1st Term Course Code Course Name Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS Graded/Pass-Fail GİT 101 Basic Design I 0 8 4 8 z | | Total | | | 4 | 8 | | 1st Year // 2nd Term Course Code Course Name Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS Graded/Pass-Fail GİT 102 Basic Design
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design - Minor and Double Major - Minor and Double Major and Design - Minor and Double Major Language and Literature - Minor and Double Major - Minor and Double Major and Double Degree Programs in Mathematics: Minor Program: Minor Program for Students in Engineering Faculty Course Code Course Name Credits MAT 111 Mathematical Logic 3 MAT 209 Advanced Analysis I 3 MAT 210 Advanced Analysis II 3 MAT 212 Linear Algebra II 3 MAT 309 Algebra 4 MAT 395 Numerical Analysis 3 Total Credits 19 Minor Program for Students in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (incloding the Department of Psychology