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Biomedical Engineering - Minor and Double Major Courses Course Code Course Title Institutional Applied Credits ECTS M/E Notes BME 101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 2 0 2 4 M 5 BME 203 Medical Biology 3 0 3 6 M 2, 5 BME 205 Fundamentals of Materials Science 3 0 3 6 M 2, 5 BME 205L Fundamentals of Materials Science Laboratory 0 2 1 2 M 2, 5 BME 206 Physiology for Engineers 3 0 3 6 M 5 BME 307 Biomedical Signals and Systems 0 2 3 6 M 3, 5 Elective Courses Course Code Course Tit
Industrial Engineering - Minor and Double Major Science and Nanotechnology Engineering - Minor and Double Major - Minor and Double Major - Minor and Double Major Minor Program The Economics Minor Program allows students to gain fundamental knowledge and analytical skills in the field of economics in addition to their major. It is a valuable option for students interested in economics and those seeking to develop an interdisciplinary perspective. The program includes 5 compulsory courses and 1 elective course, requiring students to complete a total of 18 credits. Elective courses are listed on th