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Mechatronics Engineering Minor Program - Undergraduate Curriculum Engineering - Undergraduate Curriculum 1 FALL SEMESTER Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS BME 101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 2 4 MATH 101 Mathematics I 4 7 PHYS 101 Physics I 3 6 PHYS 101L Physics Laboratory I 1 2 CHEM 101 General Chemistry 3 6 CHEM 101L General Chemistry Laboratory 1 2 OEG 101 Introduction to Cooperative Education 1 2 TUR 101 Turkish Language I 2 2 ENG 001* English I 2 4 Total Credits 19 35 SPRING SEMESTER Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS BME
Industrial Engineering - Undergraduate Curriculum FALL Course Code Course Credits ECTS END 101 Introduction to Industrial Engineering 2 4 BİL 141 Computer Programming I 4 8 MAT 101 Mathematics I 4 7 FİZ 101 Physics I 3 6 FİZ 101L Physics I Laboratory 1 2 KİM 101 General Chemistry 3 6 KİM 101L General Chemistry Laboratory 1 2 TÜR 101 Turkish I 2 2 İNG 001 English I 2 4 Total 22 41 SPRING Course Code Course Credits ECTS END 106 Database Management 3 6 MAK 101 Computer Aided Techn
Material Science and Nanotechnology Engineering - Undergraduate Curriculum - Undergraduate Curriculum - Undergraduate Curriculum in English: Within our curriculum, courses are offered in both Turkish and English. Courses without (*) or (**) marks in the Undergraduate Curriculum table below are taught in Turkish. Courses marked with (*) next to them -the majority of which are compulsory courses- are taught in English. Courses marked with (**) represent elective courses that must be taken from the Department of Economics, the Faculty of Economics and Administrative S
Management - Undergraduate Curriculum YEAR- PROGRAM 1st YEAR // 1st SEMESTER Course Code Course Name Theor. Recit. Credit ECTS C/E İSL 111 Introduction to Business Administration 3 0 3 6 C MAT 103 Calculus I 4 0 4 7 C HUK 115 Introduction to Law 3 0 3 6 C BIL 121 Information Technologies and Data Management 2 2 3 6 C TUR 101 Turkish Language I 2 0 2 2 C ING 001 English I 1 2 2 4 C OEG 101 Introduction to Cooperative Education 1 0 1 2 C Toplam 16 4 18 33 1st YEAR // 2nd SEMESTER
Political Science and International Relations - Undergraduate Curriculum Entrepreneurship - Undergraduate Curriculum Year FALL TERM Course Code Course Name Credit ECTS UGİ 105 Microeconomics 3 6 UGİ 101 Entrepreneurship and Business Administration 3 6 BİL 121 Introduction to Information Technologies 3 6 MAT 103 Calculus I 4 7 TÜR 101 Turkish Language I 2 2 OEG 101 Introduction to Cooperative Education 1 2 İNG 001 English I 2 4 Total Credit 18 33 SPRING TERM Course Code Course Name Credit ECTS UGİ 106 Macroeconomics 3 6 UGİ 104 Applied Statistics